Hawkmoth is a science magazine that combines gorgeous imagery with cool information about the world we live in. We grew out of the observation that artistically-minded people are often discouraged from pursuing science, and that scientists are seen as dry, humorless nerds. We are a team of scientists who value design. Get in touch at info@hawkmoth.us.
Robert is a reporter at Fortune magazine where he writes frequently about technology. A distiller of mind and matter, he studied chemistry and English at Cornell University and earned his Master's degree from the Columbia Journalism School. He has worked at Johnson & Johnson, TED and Nautilus magazine. He plays bass guitar in a band called Space Cadets and lives in New York.
Follow @rhhackett.
Felix is a curious kid who is exploring how organs are built from cells and how to measure the health of your immune system. When not playing in lab, he enjoys jumping off cliffs on his skis, climbing rocks, and cultivating his vegetable garden. He is pursuing a PhD in Biophysics at Stanford and lives in San Francisco.
Born and raised in California, Amy founded Hawkmoth in 2014. She earned her master's at Columbia University, studying the evolution and conservation of coral reef fish in the tropical Indo-Pacific and is now a banana slug, in UC Santa Cruz's Science Communication Program.
Find Amy on her website, and follow @amesydragon
Holly is currently pursuing a Masters in Environmental Management through the University of Kiel, Germany. If not studying or playing with the fermentation projects that live in her cupboards, she is probably out for a bike ride or on a climbing wall.
Find Holly on her blog, and follow @holljmck
After discovering Positive Psychology, Karel has been exploring how to use signal processing and machine learning tools to make people happier in their day to day life. He is an Electrical Engineer, Kundalini yoga apprentice, photography enthusiast, avid traveler and also enjoys skiing and hiking.
Find Karel on LinkedIn
Amy is a Master's student at Columbia University, where she studies pathogen diversity in common vampire bats. In her spare time she enjoys swimming in the ocean, reading about literary theory, wrangling chinchillas, and becoming friends with as many other people named Amy as possible.
Follow @amykwray