Word paintings 

A collection of images reflecting on nature.

By Chati Coronel


This series of paintings is my little exploration into the world of words. I peek into the difference between the written word and the painted word. I realize that the main difference is time. The time it takes to paint these words transforms the process into meditation. This is what I've found so far:


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Arriving at painting by way of a Degree in Architecture, Chati Coronel has consistently found honest expression through painting for the past 20 years. She was the recipient of a grant for artist residency at The Vermont Studio Center and was one of 5 artists chosen to participate in Louis Vuitton's 20th Anniversary Exhibit in Manila. Her Singapore exhibit, "The First Kiss on Earth" was listed in Artnet's Top Ten International Shows of 2014. Coronel lives and works in Manila and is represented by Silverlens Galleries.

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